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Pursian paws is a Professional persian cat Platform. Here we will only provide you with interesting content that you will enjoy very much. We are committed to providing you the best of persian cat, with a focus on reliability and persian cat. we strive to turn our passion for persian cat into a thriving website. We hope you enjoy our persian cat as much as we enjoy giving them to you. I will keep on posting such valuable anf knowledgeable information on my Website for all of you. Your love and support matters a lot.


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Doll Face Persian CatPersonality Overview

Doll face Persian Cat Personality. Traditional Persian cats include the Doll Face Persian Cat. Their...

How many times Persian cat Feeding ?

How many times Persian cat Feeding ? Practical feeding recommendations are easy to understand when...

What is the Average Persian Cat Weight?

The Average Persian cat weight. Between 3 and 6 kilograms, but each cat is unique. Your feline’s...

Top 5 Best Food for Persian cat.

 Top 5  Best Food for Persian cat. The Best food for Persian cats gives them good health and the...

How to Care Grumpy White Persian Cat?

How to care Grumpy White Persian Cat? To take care of a Grumpy white Persian cat, prioritize regular...

Top 7 Best Homemade Food Recipe for Persian cat.

Homemade food Recipe for persian cat Homemade food recipe for persian cat is made of regular food...

What is the Average Lifespan of a Female Persian Cat?

The average lifespan of a female Persian cat I liked that the lifespan of female Persian cats...